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MTU Users Testimonials

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Since starting in 1977,MTU's goal is to bring computer technology down to end users. The following testimonials are examples of what we hear every day.

Charles Lawson, WETA Public Radio, Washington, DC
Your products truly lighten the burdens of my life and make me happy to go to work! Microsound makes my life so easy that I still feel like I owe you folks years of my life that you are saving me in time and frustration. For me, Microsound has become as essential as microwave ovens and indoor plumbing. I don't know that I could come up with any higher praise for what you do.
Armin Steiner, MusicMaster Inc., Videography Magazine, by Margot Sudam
Unlike some of the MIDI sequencers or visual overload types of interfaces, Microeditor's user interface simulates exactly how I compose, record, or edit music - giving me more creative freedom without the headaches and operational compromises that usually accompany high-tech gear...
Robert Elliott, Director of Music Technology, University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR
Daily, I teach university students to use many computer programs including: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), MIDI sequencing, patch editing, and Internet browsers. However, of all the programs I teach, I find that hands down, Microeditor from MTU is the most bullet-proof, as well as one of the quickest for students to learn. Recording is almost as simple as using a home cassette recorder. Audio editing with Microeditor is easier than text editing with a word processor.
Some students come from MIDI sequencing backgrounds. Others come from track-based recorder backgrounds. Microeditor makes perfect sense to both groups. I wish all the programs we use were as logical, well laid out, and crash proof as Microeditor... Our Microsound workstations have been such a wise investment that we are preparing to buy four more. When you compare price... factory support... reliability... features... and most of all, audio quality, other expensive workstations we reviewed were not justifiable. Microsound is truly a professional product able to teach and get the work out.
Deb Lamberton, Senior Producer, WETA Public Radio, Washington, DC
For the past 25 years, I've been a producer in public radio. Last month, I had the challenge of recording, editing, and producing a series of 20 minute radio documentaries. Having worked with a blade for decades, then with SONIC Solutions (or as I call it SONIC Contusions) for the past 5 years, I hereby declare the MTU system the hands-down best editing/production system out there. MTU's versatility is light years beyond SONIC's.
The ability to alter an edit anywhere on the sound file and in fact restore that section to its original raw state with the click of the mouse is invaluable for radio production. Eric Hoehn (our chief engineer) and I even managed to burn two CDs of intermission features for our live broadcast last month simply by READING THE CLEARLY-WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS! We were amazed. It WORKED! Thanks for working up such a great production system. I show it to everyone who's brought on tour through WETA, prompting gasps of disbelief in the awesome power and versatility of MTU. Cue the victory theme!
Jerry Vigil, Producer,Radio and Production Magazine
Initially, I expected the lack of a control panel on the Microsound to be a weakness. As it turns out, Microsound is even capable of doing some things faster than systems with dedicated control panels. So, throw out any old notion about mice and keyboards being the lesser way to go. Microsound makes production with a mouse surprisingly fast and rather comfortable for even the most computer shy producer.
Bill Hodges, Journalism Broadcasting Dept., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
It has been a while since you have heard from us because the MTU workstation we bought three years ago is still working perfectly. It is in use daily for training in a radio production class. My biggest fear when we first got the system was that students would be constantly crashing the system. That just has not happened.
Peter Terrell, Director, Audiovisual Communications Center, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico
Last year, our 13 year-old son Nathan, taught Martin Perez how to use Microsound. Martin, who doesn't speak or read English, is a 13 year-old boy from the Tzotzil tribe of Mayan descendant. After one hour of training, we were able to let Martin edit without worrying that he would lose or destroy anything. He first edited a Zapotec language audio track of a 14 voice dub that we later laid back with SMPTE syn-lock to the Life of Christ video. Then, he recorded native music and a film sound track that he edited for audio cassettes.
Harvey T. Hoekstra, Senior Vice President, Audio Scripture Ministries, Escondido, CA
We use your Microeditor digital audio editing software and would like you to know how impressed we are with it. It worked beautifully and made the job so much easier and of better quality. You know what a good program you have designed when I tell you that at 76 years and counting, my son, Mark, was able to teach me what I needed to know to do the final editing on two of our audio books. David (Cox, MTU President), I am unable to adequately express our thanks to you and to God for what you have done for our ministry. May your heart rejoice before the Lord!
John Arnold, Mt. Herman Conference Center, Mt. Herman, CA
I thought I should let you know that last week I produced the 55 minute radio composite of meetings here the prior week. I just finished it for this week and decided to call you. In case anyone thinks Microsound is hard to use, just have them give me a call. John was 62 years young at this time, having never used a computer.
Glenn Selby, Derek Prince Ministries International, Charlotte, NC
I've been training a new assistant who has worked in other departments for years but has had no audio training. After only 2 months and knowing nothing about audio editing or mixing, she is now responsible for all English radio production and mastering using Microsound.
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Registered marks of Micro Technology Unlimited: Hoster®, Microstudio®, Vogone®, Songverter®
Trademarks of Micro Technology Unlimited: MTU, Karaoke Pro, KPro, KProStudio, KHPro, Karaoke Home Producer, DNoise,
Keyrite, MicroCD, Microeditor, Microsound
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