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MTU User Testimonials

MicroCD Audio CD Mastering Software

Most audio cd mastering systems usually require a high skill level in understanding PQ code before you can successfully master a cd. EVERY MicroCD user has succeeded mastering even their very first CD since 1992! The difference is that MTU hids the technical requirements within MicroCD. You graphically set where you want the Track IDs and Pregap countdowns to be, even add Sub-Index codes if you want them. MicroCD does the rest to make your audio cd master... pefectly!

Ruud Broers, Media Morphics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 12/96
Media Morphics, daughter company of ODME (Optical Disc Manufacturing Equipment) is using the MTU Microsound hardware in our Media Conversion Systems since 1991. The hardware is found to be extremely reliable and in use in CD mastering sites all over the world like; Japan, China, Europe and of course the United States. Between 30% to 50% of the audio CDs available WORLDWIDE have been mastered on Microsound because of use as the ODME front end. We are very anxious to use the new Krystal DSP Engine in our new MMCS Mark 2 product line. Keep up the good work. Since 1997, Media Morphics has been using Krystal on their newest all digital CD media mastering line.
Angel Carrion, Jr., JR Digital Solutions, San Juan Puerto Rico, 02/98
The Krystal DSP Engine, Microeditor and MicroCD are working very well. We have mastered six Christian productions and our clients are very impressed with our quality. MicroCD allowed me to install the PQ Codes without any problem, even on the very first audio cd master I produced.
Michael Lea, River Road Recorders, Harahan, LA, 07/97
I really like MicroCD. I've already created 4 audio cd masters and they are all perfect. I really was not looking forward to yet another learning curve to be able to create CDs. I can't believe how EASY it is with MicroCD! I read about two paragraphs of your documentation and breezed right through the whole process flawlessly the first time out! What a relief!
Steven Dillman, Dillman Sound Design, Kansas City, 12/96
We just made our first audio cd master. WOW! I had no idea it would be so simple and fast. It worked perfectly the very first time. Great job.
Doug Jeffers, Jennika, Inc., Katonah, NY, 10/97
I want to thank you profusely for MicroCD! I tried for days to get the GEAR brand software to work, but I ended up with chipmunk sounds and pops. Well, MicroCD did the job first time out of the chute. The CD sounds EXACTLY like the Microeditor project I created! What REALLY impressed me is how Microsound allows me to record directly onto my JAZ removable media drive. I just finished a project recording twenty-four girls plus stereo music segments; thirty stereo segments in all. MicroCD wrote the CD Image and Cue files on the JAZ drive to write the audio cd master. I simply throw in another media and put my whole project on it. If you guys ain't proud, you should be ashamed of yourselves!
Charles Lawson, WETA Public Radio, Arlington, VA, 11/96
I totally amazed a new producer yesterday by using our Microsound digital audio workstation to create a master spot with 11 different versions and using MicroCD to burn an audio cd master with all of them. Total time -- sixty-five minutes!
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Registered marks of Micro Technology Unlimited: Hoster®, Microstudio®, Vogone®, Songverter®
Trademarks of Micro Technology Unlimited: MTU, Karaoke Pro, KPro, KProStudio, KHPro, Karaoke Home Producer, DNoise,
Keyrite, MicroCD, Microeditor, Microsound
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