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Video Hoster® Obsolete Versions 3.321a - 3.000


V3.321a Released 05/16/08

  1. Hoster On HP Computers With Windows Vista - Trying to install Hoster on the newest HP computers was failing within the installation program itself, so Hoster never got installed. We found and fixed the problem, releasing 3.321a to solve this. We added the "a" because Hoster itself did not change in any way; only the installation program to be compatible with HP computers with Vista.

V3.321 Released 03/11/08

  1. Hoster On Windows XP and 2000 - Installing Hoster for the first time on a new computer with 2000 and XP works as expected... correctly. Hoster 3.321 automatically locates your pre-existing Songs Database and uses it if found, or searches for and uses your new one if not found. Hoster 3.321 fixes every Vista problem our users have reported. It now can access external backup USB drives created on another computer, folders where KMA files import by default, update your Songs Database and... run reliably without Vista deleting KMA files.
  2. Leave Vista UAC Enabled - Version 3.321 no longer requires disabling UAC (User Access Control security) to install and run Hoster. This was identified by many around the world as a requirement to install applications like Hoster on Vista. Hoster 3.316 - 3.319 ran fine with UAC disabled. However, if you re-enabled the UAC when running 3.319 or prior, eventually Vista would move your KMA files from Hoster's default folder to a "\VirtualStore\" folder, making them disappear.
  3. Hoster Working File Folders Moved - In 3.320, Hoster created new folders (example: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\MTU\Hoster\Databases for the Songs Database) that were thought to follow Vista's complex structure. However, Vista still moved your KMA files to a buried folder. Hoster 3.321 creates two folders proven to not be moved by Vista: KMA files go to C:\MTU\KMA Files and working files (songs database, playlists, log files, mark song, etc.) store in C:\MTU\Hoster. Installing 3.321 on a new computer (not upgrading) creates folders for working files the same for 2000, XP and Vista.
  4. Does Not MOVE KMA Files - Upgrading on XP and 2000 doesn't require moving files from where Hoster places them. However, Upgrading on Vista requires moving your existing files. Furthermore, Vista prevents applications like Hoster from moving files. Therefore, Hoster now displays a link to an instruction sheet to copy/paste into your Internet Browser. Print it and complete each step to manually move your files. Moving files is very fast and does not require more hard drive storage. If you don't know how to do this, get someone who does to do it for you. NOTE: You must agree that you have moved all the files before you can continue installing Hoster. This MUST be done!
  5. Added Message To Ignore Two Vista Error Messages - Hoster has always installed the Microsoft's Access Database "JetEngine" to insure you have it FOR FREE to use Hoster's databases. Vista already has a version of Access installed, and does not like Hoster trying to register another version. As a result, you will see these error messages while installing Hoster:

    1. C:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll Access Is Denied
    2. C:\windows\system32\stdole2.tlb Error Accessing OLE Registry
  6. NOTE: Only three Hoster users reported that playing a song can drop audio when importing a Singer's CDG disc track. Replacing the CD/DVD drive with an MTU CDG Certified DVD Drive solved the problem.


V3.320 Released 02/28/08

  1. Hoster On Windows XP and 2000 - When upgrading Hoster from any version before 3.319, when you choose the Upgrade option 3.320 will NOT move your KMA files, Songs Database, Playlists, etc. Hoster has run reliably under XP and 2000 for years, and we are restoring that reliability.

    When upgrading from 3.319 where some or all of the above files are already moved, 3.320 will use the new locations.

    When installing 3.320 on a computer that Hoster has never been installed on before, the KMA and working files are set up to install in C:\Documents and Settings\... folders. This is compatible with Vista, but doesn't change our reliability.

    NOTE: As Hoster has always allowed you to do, you can still store your KMA files anywhere you want, such as external USB drive(s) or in folders you create on the internal hard drive(s). You must add each KMA folder to the Tools menu Build Songs Database dialog list window, then click the Build Songs Database button at the bottom of this dialog. Importing to a folder you create automatically adds that drive\folder path to this list window for you.
  2. Hoster On Windows Vista - When installing 3.320 on a computer that Hoster has never been installed on before, the KMA and working files install in the C:\Documents and Settings\... folders. To our current knowledge, this is what Vista requires, and should work reliably. Please note, MTU does NOT recommend using Vista from the bugs we and many users have experienced first hand. It is NOT ready for public use.

    If you have tried to or have upgraded from Hoster 3.319 where some of the files may have been moved, when you run Hoster, print and follow the instructions page that appears. This will appear every time you run Hoster until you perform these required steps. You must do these MANUALLY because Microsoft prevents programs from doing these things. They must be done or your Hoster can crash, and your KMA files may be lost.

    Once 3.320 is installed and running under Windows Vista, if you try to access and use any files in the C:\Program Files\Hoster\... path, you will see a warning message and Hoster prevents you from breaking Microsoft's new LAWS to use Vista.
  3. No longer move KMA or other files for 2000 or XP - There have been so many problems trying to force the Vista requirements on XP and 2000 that we have reversed. Upgrading on Vista will move all KMA and working files, with user manual steps required. Upgrading on XP and 2000 won't move any files. Installing 3.320 from scratch (not upgrading) will install all KMA and working files the same for 2000, XP and Vista.
  4. No longer delete \Temp folder for ZIP or any reason - In early 2008 we evolved through solving many problems related to MP3G/ZIP files. We thought that auto-deleting the \Temp folder when Hoster ran and when it closed was required to process ZIP files containing Read-Only MP3 and CDG files imported from a CDROM. However, deleting this folder turned out to create problems as other programs also use it. We no longer delete \Temp.
  5. Remove \Program Files\ Folder Reference - The Tools menu Build Songs Database list of folders is stored as a Registry Key. We were not removing any folders entries with this path. This is why Hoster could fail to finish installing, showing 2 messages each time it ran.
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V3.319 #3 Released 02/20/08

  1. FIXED Moving Files For Vista Compatibility - Around 4-6 users who upgraded to 3.319 #2 reported their KMA files did not appear in the Songs Database. In all cases, Support responded with the steps to rebuild the Songs Database after the KMA files were moved. We modified the installation program to be more automated so the operator could not elect to do or ignore what is required to move the KMA files correctly. This includes a new HTML page that appears in your default Browser with instructions to follow, including closing Windows and restarting the computer. A run once startup command was inserted to force any remaining KMA files to be moved once the User Account Control (UAC) is disabled. It also deletes the current Songs.mdb and Songsbackup.mdb databases to force Songs.mdb to automatically rebuild when Hoster runs again. Multiple tests on various computers proves the UAC MUST be disabled to move the KMA files where Microsoft is now demanding they be located.

V3.319 #2 Released 02/02/08


  1. NEW Some ZIP Files Would Not Play - When a ZIP file is copied to a hard drive from a CDROM, the files it contains are set to READ-ONLY. Windows prevents Hoster (and any Application) from overwriting the Temp files used to unzip the contents. Do you need to get this version? We would recommend it if you use ZIP files. If not, wait until Hoster 4.000, which will also have this fixed.

V3.319 #1 Released 01/28/08


  1. NEW Importing Last Track on Multisession CDG Disc - Importing the last track on a Multisession disc now works just like importing other tracks.
  2. FIXED Playing MUX Status Now Changes - When playing a KMA song in the Playlist, if its header contains a MUX Left or Right setting, it now will again set the Playlist live MUX controls. This failed depending on how the KMA song was added to the Playlist; some methods worked, some didn't.
  3. FIXED HDZIP Problems - There were a number of problems that have surfaced with any form of ZIP files. A single cause was found and fixed. If you experienced any problems with ZIP files in 3.318 or 3.317 or saw the auout.zzz error message, they should now work correctly. Files with errors in the zip header will now open and play as long as they contain valid files.
  4. NEW Windows Vista Compatibility - Vista does not allow editing or changing any files saved in the \Program File\ path. Version 3.319 detects Windows VISTA on installation. If updating a prior Hoster version (including 3.318), existing working files are now automatically moved from the C:\Program Files\... folder to a new C:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Local Settings\Application Data\MTU\Hoster\ folder. For new installations the working files are created in this new folder.
  5. NEW Move KMA Files From \Program Files\Hoster\Songs Folder - Since Vista prevents editing any files in the \Program Files\ path, when 3.319 installs it will automatically move all KMA files found in this path to the new C:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Local Settings\Application Data\MTU\Hoster\ folder. The new location is added to the Build Songs Database directory list.
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V3.318 Released 12/29/07

  1. NEW FIXED ZIP Files Error - If ZIP files (MP3+G ZIP or HDZIP) contained .mp3 and .CDG files with the extensions in different UPPER/lower cases, Hoster would not unzip them and display an error message. Hoster 3.318 now ignores the case and will open and unzip files with mixed case extensions.
  2. FIXED Delete Temp ZIP and HDZIP Files After Used - To play ZIP files requires unzipping the .mp3 and .cdg files to a TEMP folder. It turns out these were not always deleted after playing, which caused this error message: "Unexpected error processing the ZIP file: 0x000002000". You will also see ...\TEMP\auout.zzz. We now unzip to the TEMP/MTU_Hoster sub-folder, which is deleted when Hoster closes normally AND when it opens. This insures all ZIP file components are removed before Hoster runs again.
  3. FIXED Now Auto-Assign Missing Track Number in HDD Import - In version 3.317, if the Track# was missing from the filename, this caused a database error and refused to import.
  4. FIXED Key Change Returns to Zero After Playing - In prior versions, if a Key Change was added to a song in the Playlist or changed live while playing, after it played the Key Change was not being reset to zero. It now returns to zero for the next song, or to the new setting if that song has a key change applied.
  5. NEW Made Playlist Key Field Edit-able - You can now directly edit the Key field in the Playlist for each song to use when they play. If you enter beyond +5/-5, the field background turns pink, the value resets to "0", then the field background turns white after 2 seconds for you to enter a valid entry.
  6. NEW Edit Songs Multiple Dialog Delete Button Messages - Before, when deleting multiple files, messages appeared for each file. Now only one pair of messages appears. The deleted BookID for each file is saved to the /Hoster/DeletedBookIDs.txt file.
  7. NEW Changed HDD Import Files "Define Field Order" Performance - We removed the last separator dropdown list in the Define Field Order fields. Now KMA files created from filenames that contain periods, such as "Mr. Lonely" will contain the period in the Artist or Title fields.
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Version 3.317 - Released 11/08/07

  1. NEW Support for Importing and Playing Max Compressed ZIP files - Hoster can now unzip Max Compressed ZIP files when importing from the hard drive, or when adding directly to the playlist.
  2. NEW MP3G Button Function Expanded - When you click the MP3G button, you can now select and add KMA, WMA+G, and WAV+G songs to the Playlist. Also, ZIP files added by this method can contain MP3+G, WMA+G or WAV+G files.
  3. NEW Removed Ding Sound During Search on Windows Vista - The unwanted Ding sound that Vista played, no matter what you disabled, no longer plays in Hoster 3.317.
  4. NEW HDD Import With Periods (.) in Title or Artist Fields - When importing with the HDD Import screen, song Artist or Titles like Mr. Lonely or by R.E.M. now import with the periods.
  5. NEW Fixed Playing Video Locking Up With Vista Business - Hoster would lock up when trying to play a video file when running on Vista Business. We found the problem and fixed it.
  6. NEW CDs With One Long Track Displayed - Certain discs (Chartbusters Tim McGraw 90036R, for example) displayed as one long track in the Import CD Tracks screen. The individual tracks now display properly in spite of the bad disc design.
  7. NEW Deleting KMA Files With Improved Messages - Deleting a KMA file from your database now shows a message indicating whether the deleted song was in your last printed Songbook. If it is, you are instructed to mark out the song from your Songbook. If it is not, the new track count is set to one fewer song.

Version 3.316 - Released 03/08/07

  1. NEW Compatibility with Windows Vista and New Laptops - Hoster 3.315 failed to install on some new computers (mostly Laptops) with Windows Vista. This error message would appear: "Error 1706: No valid source could be found for product Hoster. The Windows Installer cannot continue." We diagnosed the cause, solved the problem, and released 3.316.

Version 3.315 - Released 02/16/07

  1. NEW Runs on Microsoft Vista Operating Systems - Version 3.315 is the first Hoster version to run on Vista.
  2. FIXED Song Book Not Building - With a new installation of Hoster 3.314, clicking the "Create" button for Song Book would fail due to an upgrade we added. This is fixed in 3.315.
  3. NEW Install Now Requires Rebooting - There are too many conditions that Windows can get into that can prevent a newly installed Hoster from running correctly and identifying the CD/DVD drives. Rebooting cleans up Windows and Hoster will run correctly.
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Version 3.314 - Released 01/31/07

  1. NEW Superior Error Correction For Importing Tracks - The new MTU Software Error Correction code is incredible. It is superior even to the Hardware Error Correction in Plextor drives. Thus, the resulting imported files now have none or very little graphic "snowflakes", even with very warped discs on the last track. Version 3.314 no longer uses HardWare Error Correction in Plextor or other drives.
  2. NEW Updated CD/DVD Drives Default Dialog - MTU's new CD/DVD drive interface code now works with most drives for importing Karaoke CD+G disc tracks. There is extensive checking done to insure each drive will work, or indicate it will not work. If the drive supports any of Microsoft's MMC interface methods, then Hoster can use it. Most drives we have tested now import tracks with error free or incredibly clean graphics from CDG format discs.
  3. NEW Now Imports Pro-Burn CDG Disc Tracks - Our new CD/DVD drive code has been specifically modified to allow importing tracks from custom made Pro-Burn CDG discs. Hoster 3.313 and prior would NOT import tracks from these discs.
  4. NEW Modify Import HD Files Screen Preset Buttons - Microstudio 4.001 writes BIN files in the name format: Artist _-_ Title_-_DiscID-Trk.bin. The Import Hard Drive Files screen now has two new Preset radio buttons to select this format and Title_-_Artist_-_DiscID-Trk.bin.
  5. FIXED Changed Selected Folder Fields - In black fields with green text that showed the selected Default Folder, we removed the full Path name. We now only show the last two folders. With the full Path name, the "C:/Program Files/Micro Technology Unlimited" consumed all the field and you had to click into the field and scroll to the right to see the selected last folder.
  6. NEW Playlist Scroll Bar Action - When you click - drag and drop a track from the bottom of the playlist, the vertical scroll bar at the right now stays showing the moved track as the topmost position. Thus, it no longer jumps to the top of the playlist requiring scrolling back down to move another track.
  7. NEW Prevent Closing Import Screen While Importing - The X icon at the top right and all other ways to close the Import Tracks dialog is now blocked while importing. Users can click the Cancel button and then clicked X after importing stops.
  8. NEW DEL Key Now White on Black - The Play screen DEL button with a red background when active was being confused with the STOP button. It is now Delete in white on a black background when active, or black on gray when inactive.
  9. NEW RTF Supports {} Characters - You can now use the { and } characters within your Artist and Title field names and they will appear and correctly format in the RTF (Rich Text Format) file created by Prepare Songbook.
  10. FIXED Import Hard Drive Files Problem - When batch importing MP3+G or ZIP files, if there was a "." within a field, it would not show anything beyond the "." for that field; i.e. it truncated at the period. This bug is now fixed.
  11. NEW Cancel Button in Import HD Files Screen - Clicking Cancel now immediately terminates an importing track in Single or Batch mode. That track shows ABORTED for the Status field, and all selected tracks below continue to show READY.
  12. NEW Modified Online Database URL - Access to the Online Database is routed through an MTU script for future upgrades.
  13. NEW New Installation Program - We recompiled the installation scripts with the latest InstallShield V12 code.
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Version 3.313 - Released 12/05/06

  1. NEW Speed up TOC read process - Reading the Disc TOC using Add Tracks using FreeDB or not, now only takes 3 to 10 seconds.
  2. FIXED Start of Next Song Appended to Ended of CDG Singers Disc Song - This was a bug that is now fixed.
  3. NEW File Size Field in Import Hard Drive Files Screen - For CDG, BIN, MP3G and ZIP files, this new field computes and shows the file sizes.
  4. FIXED Problem When Keep Song After Played is Disabled - Various error messages were appearing, and sometimes prior played and removed songs were playing again. This was found and fixed.
  5. FIXED Playing Audio Stops 1 Second Before End and Never Shows PLAYED Status - This was a bug that is now fixed.
  6. FIXED Status Field Flickered - The field was being updated to PLAYED ahead of when it should be. This is fixed.
  7. NEW Edit Songs Dialog - Adjusting the Mux Column Width Permanently Hides Column - It turns out there is a Windows setting that controls what columns do when they are adjusted: Right click an empty area of your desktop and select Properties > Select the Appearance tab > Select Effects button > Remove any check mark in the Show window contents while dragging checkbox to disable this setting (MTU recommends disabling this setting).
  8. NEW Update Possible Reasons in Error Message - If a file was set to Read Only, editing it in the Tools menu Edit Songs command would display an error message that did not include "Read Only" as a possible cause. This was added.
  9. FIXED Change SongBook Select Viewer to NOT Recommend Selecting Excel - Excel cannot open Rich Text Format (RTF) files.
  10. NEW Removed Hourglass When Adding Singer's Disc Track - Because of new faster code, the delay is so short now that the hourglass appears and disappears very quickly. We removed it to prevent confusion.

Version 3.312 - Released 10/31/06

  1. NEW Tools Menu CD/DVD Drives Defaults... Command - The Advanced section in this dialog now shows Yes or No for ability to READ a Karaoke CD+G disc separately for each drive. Each drive also can be independently set to Show or Hide it in the READ drive list box. Each drive also has a HWEC (HardWare Error Correction) flag. When Yes (press the HW Error Correct button with that drive selected), the Import CD Tracks code uses the HardWare Error Correction in the drive for the best possible quality. If the drive does not support HardWare Error Correction, a message appears and allows using SoftWare Error Correction.
  2. NEW Improved Import CD Tracks Quality - In version 3.310 and 3.311, drives with hardware decode (Plextor, Sony, Yamaha, HP, etc.), were not used as well as before. In 3.312, with a hardware decode drive you can set the HWEC flag for that drive in the Tools Menu CD/DVD Drives Defaults... command. Then, selecting that drive for the Read Drive will use the hardware decoding for maximum quality. Unlike Hoster 3.303, version 3.312 will import the last track on a multisession disk.
  3. NEW Playlist Tracks Now Scroll Up/Down When Moving a Track - When you now click and drag a track in the Playlist to move its rotation position, if you drag it above the top, or below the bottom line the window auto-scrolls to allow you to easily place it where you want it.
  4. NEW Added Key Column in Playlist - When you now add a song to the Playlist with a key change, the value appears in a new "Key" column at the far right in the Playlist window.
  5. NEW Deleting Files in Edit Songs Dialog - If the file being deleted is in the Playlist, it would not delete from the hard drive, but would be removed from the Edit Songs list window implying it was deleted. We added a message box to say the file was found in the Playlist so you know why it wasn't deleted.
  6. NEW Search Dialog Return to Search For: Field After Adding a Song - In prior versions after adding a song it returned to a different field.
  7. NEW Can Now Delete Newly Imported Tracks - In prior versions you would need to exit Hoster, then you could delete tracks just imported. Now you can delete them as soon as imported.
  8. NEW Faster Disc Identification - Using the Add Tracks Using FreeDB or Add Tracks Using Database buttons is now much faster than before.
  9. FIXED Lyrics Freeze on Singer's Display - While importing a Singer's disc, the lyrics on the Singer's display would stop drawing. The playing lyrics now continue while trying to import a track from a Singer's disc.
  10. FIXED Importing ZIP Files - When parameters are selected in the Import Hard Drive Files screen for ZIP files, clicking the button to add files displays a dialog box with the message that you are about to import X number of files. Clicking Yes changes the prompt to "Please enter a Brand name", but the Brand field would not accept an entry. This is fixed.
  11. FIXED Fixed SND Display of Played Songs - When the Tools menu Keep songs after played option is enabled, songs that complete and show "Played" status in the Playlist no longer appear in the Singer Names Display.
  12. FIXED Skip Bug - Immediately after you boot the computer and run Hoster, in Auto mode when you SKIP a playing song, the audio would stop but the video continued, and the next song would not play. This is fixed.
  13. NEW Restart Button - This play control was expanded to restart all file types, even Video.
  14. FIXED MUX Playback - HDxxx type KMA files that were changed using Edit Songs to set the Vocal-L or Vocal-R "MUX:" would not play correctly. These will now correctly play multiplexed.
  15. NEW Fixed Add Track Search - Search (with the MUX button enabled) now only finds songs set to Vocal-L or Vocal-R. Those with NO or a Null character are not found in the search.
  16. NEW Allows Registering After Changing Hard Drive - Upgrading the installed computer hard drive used to require MTU intervention. It should now be allowed automatically.

Version 3.311 - Released 09/18/06

NOTE: V3.311 fixes several bad bugs. However, it does not fix the problem some users are having with Plextor and some other drives. We are actively working on three fixes for this, and will release V3.312 as soon as they work.

  1. FIXED Overwriting Existing Imported Files - This is now fixed. This was complex to define. Start Hoster. Click Import Tracks, Import Hard Drive Files. Click MP3G. Choose a set of files representing a DiscID not currently imported into your Hoster. Click Add Files. Here's where the problem appears. Choose the next DiscID to import that also does not reside in your Hoster. Click Next for the next BookID Root number. Hoster chooses the first disc for that Brand (mfgr) already selected. If you click Import Files now, IT WILL OVERWRITE the first DiscID. If you fill in the DiscID, it will take what you type, however, the BookID remains grayed out. Click Import Files and the message "BookID is in use, please select another" appears. The BookID field becomes enabled and you can click the Next button, which chooses the next BookID. From here, you could import the disc correctly, but you had to go through this process repeatedly to import discs. Ref: Forum Thread.
  2. NEW Prevent Bad ZIP Files Adding to Import Folder - When there is an error on importing ZIP HDD files these ARE NOW terminated and if you are using BATCH import, the error log updates with the files that did not import.
  3. FIXED Fixed Duration Counter - If a song duration was longer than 7:10 minutes, the counter would restart when it counted down to 7:10. This is fixed.
  4. FIXED Crash On 15th Song in Edit Songs - This now works for as many songs as you want to play in sequence. The search list is now disabled while playing to prevent playing a new song, which would create multiple play events and eventually cause a crash.
  5. NEW Installation Now Retains Entered RegCode - Your RegCode is now remembered and filled in for you each time you install.
  6. NEW Changed the Import Screen Layout - We made it clearer that the Add Track Using FreeDB button and the Add Track Using Database button are different options.
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Version 3.310 - Released 05/31/06

  1. Plays All Windows Media Player Video Formats - WMV, DVIX and VOB are now included, along with every video file that WMP can play.
  2. Added FreeDB Interface - The Import CD Tracks screen new Check FreeDBbutton identifies the disc in the drive and sends its ID up to the FreeDB database. If it is found, the Brand and DiscID are sent back, along with the Artist and Title fields for each track. If the DiscID is found in the Hoster Import Database, the track Artist and Title fields are used instead of from FreeDB as these are formatted (Lastname,Firstname) for the Hoster SongBook.
  3. Supports MANY CD/DVD Drives for CDG Importing - Many more CD/DVD drives, including laptop slim-line drives can now be used for importing CDG tracks and songs from Singer's discs. All tracks from Multisession discs import.
  4. Change CD/DVD Drive Speed - The Import CD Tracks screen new Drive Speed list box shows the actual drive speeds. Selecting a slower speed greatly improves the number of "snowflakes" that appear in tracks imported from warped or scratched discs.
  5. Importing is Faster - A 60 minute CDG disc imports under 5 minutes with a Plextor 716a drive.
  6. Add Track Search Dialog Box - The new Minimize icon allows the dialog box to shrink into the Windows tray at the bottom. Also, the Search dialog is re-sizeable, and the size and location are saved.
  7. Disables Windows Autorun - Hoster now disables the Windows Autorun for all CD/DVD drives in the computer. This requires restarting the computer after installing Hoster. This can speed up importing by 5 to 10 times.
  8. Added DEL Button - The new DEL button in the Playlist allows deleting tracks using the mouse while playing a Video.
  9. Added Maximize Icon in Playlist Screen - This new icon allows maximizing the screen, and uses the last size and location.
  10. Moved BookID Root field and Next button - These are now near the Import Selected Tracks button in the Import CD Tracks screen. This works better when using the FreeDB database search.
  11. Upgraded Merge KMA Files Command - When you copy KMA files to the computer from a CD/DVD ROM, the Merge KMA Files command now changes them to Read-Write to modify the BookID in each file header.
  12. Changed CD/DVD Default Drive Dialog - There was some confusion over how to select a default CD/DVD drive. We redesigned the dialog to make it clearer.
  13. Changed Search Dialog - A new icon minimizes the dialog box to the Windows tray at the screen bottom so it is quickly available, but not always on the screen. The dialog box is now re-sizeable, and the last size and location appear.
  14. Fixed Search Dialog Disappearing - The KMA, Audio or MP3G buttons no longer close the Search dialog.
  15. Fixed Search Dialog and Edit Song - Searching for songs now sort alphabetically as expected whether fields are in UPPER or lower case.
  16. "Search for:" Checkboxes Now Buttons - The Search and Edit Songs dialog field check boxes are now buttons titled Search for: to make it easier to use. The button backgrounds turn green when clicked to be visible in the dark.
  17. Cancel Button Works Immediately - Clicking the Cancel button in the progress dialog while importing a Singer's disc track now terminates immediately.
  18. Played Tracks from Singers Discs Now Remain - When the Tools menu Keep songs after played is checked, tracks from Singer's discs are no longer deleted so you can see who sang when.
  19. Import CD Tracks Contents Remain When Disc Is Removed - Often, the Artists and/or Titles are only on the CD label. Now, when Tracks are in the Import CD Tracks screen, you can remove the disc, type in the tracks Artist and Title fields, reinsert the disc and continue importing.
  20. Added Errors Message - If errors such as duplicate BookIDs are found with the Build Songs Database command, a message appears showing how many files were processed,and how many files with were not processed. Suggestions of how to fix the problems also appear.
  21. WMA Ratio Persistence - The WMA Ratio selection now remains changed for the current session, returning to 128k when Hoster runs again.
  22. Fixed Mouse Disappearing - While playing a Video, if any of the Audio, MP3G or Video dialogs are open when the video ends, the dialog no longer closes and the mouse continues to work.
  23. Fixed Audio Clicks and Wobble Sounds - For some computers, clicks and wobbling sounds could be heard 30 to 50 seconds into playing a KMA song. If you still hear the clicks, re-import that KMA file as the noise is in the file.
  24. Fixed Song Book RTF Formatting - When long fields require a second line in the Song Book, 4-digit Root BookID numbers no longer disappear.
  25. Fixed Video Live Key Change - When you set the key change on a Video file, the key change now resets back to zero for subsequent Videos playing in Auto mode.
  26. Root BookID Field and Next Button - When setting up to import tracks, these controls never gray out as they did before.. You can change them at any time.
  27. Fixed Lock-up in Build Songs Database and Merge KMA Files - We now make sure that all field contents are the right length. In prior versions, some field contents could be longer, which would crash when either of these commands ran.
  28. Mark Song Button Saves Filename - The entered comment and all track data save in the log file even when multiple hyphens are found in a filename, not just before the track number. This was causing the track data to be omitted.
  29. Removed Comp/Lim/Normalize - We removed the Change Settings button as it has been broken for a number of releases. We will make the dynamic range processing (Compressor, Limiter, Normalize) available as a Batch Processor you can run on all or only selected folders with KMA files on the hard drive. This speeds up importing and will allow unattended processing of all your files.
  30. .NET Framework Now Required - Hoster 3.310 is now compiled using Microsoft's modern .NET development environment. There are benefits to this, but it does require the computer to have either .NET Framework 1.1 or 2.0 installed before it will run. Free upgrades are available from Microsoft's web site.
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Version 3.303 - Released 03/23/06

  1. Fixed Critical Bug - A bug was reported by users that we fixed. We strongly recommend everyone upgrade immediately. This is required to run future Hoster versions.
  2. Supports All MP3 Files - Hoster now supports all MP3 Audio files compressed from 8k to 320k. Also, files with more header information are now identified correctly. Hoster will play variable-bit-rate files, but the Duration field in the Playlist will not show the correct time.
  3. Pause/Resume Buttons Work With ZIP/MP3+G - You can now Pause and Resume when playing ZIP and MP3+G karaoke songs.
  4. Focus Placed on Brand or BookID - Upon closing the Search window, focus now goes to the BookID or the Brand Name field, whichever is selected.
  5. Installation Upgrade Versus Remove - The Installation program was modified so that if the version being installed has the same first two digits (X.X) as what is already installed, it allows upgrading without requiring Internet connection. If the first two digits do not match, to install the new version requires Internet connection, either directly or via a memory stick or floppy disc registering on a second on-line computer.

Version 3.301 - Released 01/30/06

  1. Importing Multisession Discs Track 15 - This should now be fixed. Those "too long" last tracks now show the correct length.
  2. Crash With Import CD Track - We found and fixed the crash when you click the Import CD Tracks while playing.
  3. Crash While Adding a CDG Track - Adding from a Singer´s disc to the playlist while playing a KMA would lockup. This was found and fixed.
  4. SongBook By Artist Reformatted - When preparing your SongBook using "By Artist", selecting any optional parameters such as DiscID now append following the Title field, instead of creating a new third line.
  5. Apostrophes can now add in Import Screen - All SQL queries now allow apostrophes in Brand, DiscID, Title and Artist strings.
  6. Changed VIDEO Open Dialog "Files of Type" Default - We made the file type persistent for all screens so you don't have to select your favorite file type each time to add one.
  7. Fixed Playing Video CD in Drive - Hoster was not correctly releasing the CD/DVD drive. Thus, Hoster would only see a VCD or other disc when Hoster first ran. We now close the drive when not in use. Also, other programs can now use the CD/DVD drive when Hoster is running, but not accessing the drive.
  8. Singer's Names - You can now enter Singers names when adding Audio, MP3G and Video. To do so, you must enter the name in the Singer's Name field BEFORE clicking the Add Track button.
  9. Adding Singer's Disc Tracks - We now import these temporary files to a folder that is always present. Before, it used the Save To: folder, which could be missing if it was on an external drive.
  10. Installation Program Updated - Upgrading now requires registering at the web site.
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Version 3.300 - Released 12/19/05

  1. Import Multi-session Discs - Usually all tracks from Multi-session discs can be now import into Hoster as KMA files. In prior versions you would need to eject the CDG disc from the drive to get the last track to finish importing. This is no longer required. However, on some discs that are incorrectly manufactured, the last track may appear longer or shorter than the actual track. It will still import and play the correct length from the Playlist.
  2. Play Video now use all play controls (Start, Pause/Restore, Stop, Restart, Skip, Mux:, and Live Key Change).
  3. The Playlist Add Track group DISC button is now VIDEO. Its' dialog allows selecting a CD drive or hard drive folder, and the track or file to play. The Video type files that can be added are: VCD, DVD, AVI, QuickTime, Movie, MPG compression, MPEG compression, and WMV video. The Duration field counts down while playing, but may be off as these files often contain a value that refers to the audio playing time, not including the Title and Credit video pages display time.
  4. Multiplex works playing Video files. The MUX controls default to Vocal-R so any vocals are muted by default. Clicking Vocal-L plays the vocals and music so you can help a floundering singer get back in sync with the lyrics, and clicking BOTH plays the Left and Right channels out their respective speakers.
  5. Live Key Change works playing Video files. The default is "0" so no key change is applied. Clicking any other live Key Change button changes the playing song.
  6. Video Display now uses the window persistence location and size settings for the Singer´s Display. NOTE: Until you set the Singer's Display screen size, the Video Display remains small.
  7. Added new Merge KMA Files Command - This new Tools menu command above the Build Songs Database command can renumber duplicate BookID entries in KMA files. It allows specifying one or more NEW folders that contain KMA files not currently in the Songs Database. When run, they will be added at the end, and set the New Release counter. This allows importing songs from other sources, not only recorded on this Hoster computer. If any tracks are imported, they set the New Release counter so you can print these pages for your Song Book, instead of reprinting the entire Song Book.
  8. Upgraded Prepare Song Book Command - You can now select the order that optional fields appear in, or omit them altogether. The By Title and By Artist buttons still control the overall format and Artist, Title and BookID fields, but you can now select to include or omit the; Language, Duet, Mux and Genre fields. Two new radio buttons allow selecting whether The or A appears at the front of Title or Artist names, or ,The or ,A appear at the end. A new My Discs option allows quickly preparing a list of all the DiscIDs you have imported so you can see what is left to import, or what new discs you want to buy without buying a second copy of discs you already own. The & character is now used to delineate between multiple Artist names so the primary Artist can be identified and have their first and last name not be split with additional artists between. For example, Rogers, Kenny & Dolly Parton w/vocals in First name first mode now prints as Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton w/vocals.
  9. Added Play Button in the Import CD Tracks Screen so you can now play imported tracks to verify they are good and re-record any that are bad.
  10. CD/DVD Drive Defaults Supports More CD/DVD Drives - Our new MMC code interfaces to many more CD/DVD/ROM Drives and uses Software Decoding, so more drives can now import CDG discs into Hoster. Plextor drives remain the best as they use Hardware Decoding.
  11. CD/DVD Drive Defaults command has instructions how to test a CD/DVD/ROM drive and select Use Software Decoding or not.
  12. CD/DVD Drive Defaults Selections Persistent - For each installed drive, the selections are saved and persistent when Hoster runs.
  13. CD/DVD Drive Defaults Hide Bad Drives - When a CDR/DVDR drive is found to import tracks with unacceptable lyrics, it can be hidden to not appear in the Default Drive: list box. The Show/Hide status is persistent when Hoster is closed and runs again.
  14. Removed ASPI Driver... Command from Tools Menu - With the new MMC code interfacing to the CD Drives, we no longer use ASPI and thus removed this command and its associated driver.
  15. Removed Detect Drives Command in Tools Menu - The new MMC code prevents detecting whether a drive will read the CDG disc format or not. To test your drives, see the CD/DVD Drive Defaults command.
  16. Edit Songs now can search any field or combination of fields by clicking each check box for the fields in the Songs Database to search for. Prior was limited to searching only on Artist, or Title, or DiscID.
  17. Added Play, Play Next, and Stop Buttons to Edit Songs - These buttons and the Preview Display allow viewing songs in this dialog.
  18. Auto-Update Fields in Edit Song and Add Track Search - Using the up/down arrow keys to select prior/next tracks now updates the green on black fields when a new track is selected.
  19. Added Delete Message in Edit Songs - Text was added beside the Delete button that a song in the Playlist cannot be deleted. This was done to prevent having a file in the Playlist show up "not found".
  20. Now 10 songs appear in Edit Songs in the Select Single view results window and 21 in the Select Multiple view.
  21. Automatically Update Results Window in Edit Songs afer each change is made to keep it current.
  22. Single Quote (') Character in Databases - You can now use single quote (´) (apostrophe) characters in Titles and Artists names. However, now you cannot use double quotation (") characters in Title or Artist names.
  23. Changed Playlist Button Colors. The Restart, Pause and Resume buttons are grayed out when not playing. Pause is now green while playing and Resume is green when Pause is active. Clicking Resume turns Pause green.
  24. Pause-Resume buttons now work when playing VIDEO, MP3G, ZIP, HDMP3G, HDZIP, CDCDG, HDCDG, and HDBIN Type files.
  25. Added Zip file checking to insure all imported KMA files are good. In prior versions, when a bad Zip file was added into the Playlist, it could use 100% of the processor's time and require resetting Hoster.
  26. The Check for Upgrades Help menu command was renamed from "Check MTU Site" to update your Hoster. It displays a new Hoster Upgrade page.
  27. FIXED Microsoft's Wav Audio Controller that was being set to random levels.

Upgrades to V3.120 from V3.110

Released 09/20/2005
  1. Add Track DISC Button to play VCD Tracks - This button in the Playlist Add Track group displays a dialog box to select a CD drive or hard drive folder, and the file to play. A separate video window plays these songs, which can be moved to the second display window.
  2. Change Edit Songs dialog box Select Single mode - We added the Playlist's Preview Display window and Play and Stop buttons so you can play the selected files in the Edit Song dialog. The Singers Display also appears while playing. Clicking the Play Next button automatically applies any changes you made to the file parameters, making it faster to edit songs in sequence.
  3. Fixed Floppy Disk Registration - Due to security upgrades, registering using a floppy disk was broken in Hoster 3.108/3.110. This is fixed in 3.120.
  4. Security Changes - We upgraded our security code to make it more tolerant of upgrades to an existing computer with Hoster installed.
  5. Tweaked Key Change -1 Button - Some songs would sound like they were warbling when a -1 key change was applied. The settings for -1 were adjusted so the warbling is gone.
  6. Fixed Bugs in Build Songs Database and Edit Songs Tools Menu Commands - The Build Songs Database command in 3.108 and 3.110 would convert all HDCDG, HDBIN, HDMP3G and HDZIP file TYPES to CDCDG TYPE. When played, these files would show ERROR in the Status field and not play. Rebuilding the Songs Database with 3.120 will solve these problems. The Edit Songs command on the other hand would permanently modify the KMA header to CDCDG TYPE if you edited any HDxxx file TYPE. This is a destructive edit that cannot be found or reversed. The only way to replace a bad file you edited is to re-import it again.
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Upgrades to V3.110 from V3.108

Released 06/28/2005
  1. Import menu now has Two Commands - The Import CD Tracks command shows a screen to import Tracks from CDG discs, and VCD discs (in Hoster 3.12). The Import Hard Drive Files command shows a screen designed to import CDG, BIN, MP3+G and ZIP type files stored on the hard drive, converting them into KMA files indexed in the Songs Database, and printable in your Song Book.
  2. Import CD Tracks - We have restored this screen back to its fully working state to just import CD Disc tracks. The Next button and the ability to edit the BookID field now work as before to allow you to create your own custom BookID numbering scheme, which MTU still does not recommend your doing. If you do this now, and ever use the Batch button to import multiple blocks of songs, it will damage your custom scheme.
  3. Import Hard Drive Files screen - We have polished this screen layout, moving the fields around where they flow better. The selected Type: button determines what file extension filenames are added to the File List window when you click the Open Folder button. There are four conditions you can import in this screen:

    1. Import Single Button - When th is button is clicked, one block of files will import and then stop.

      • If a DiscID is found in the Define Field Order and selected filename, all filenames in the open folder with that same DiscID value will import. The imported files are removed from the File List window, which then shows only files yet to import.
      • If the DiscID is missing, one is automatically created from the selected or entered BookID Root number. Up to 99 filenames can import as Tracks using this created DiscID.
    2. Import Batch Button - When this button is clicked, multiple batches of files in the open folder can import unattended.

      • DiscID is found in the Define Field Order and selected filename, when you click the Add Files button, all filenames in the open folder with that DiscID value are found and placed into the Track List window for importing.
      • If DiscID is missing, when you click the Add Files button, a DiscID is created using "XYZ" in front of the 4-digit BookID, which is obtained as the lowest available BookID. Up to 99 tracks can import to each DiscID. If more than 99 files match, after the first 99 files are imported against it, another DiscID and BookID are created for the next 99 in the second import, and so on until all matching files are imported.
  4. Template Dialog replaced with Radio Buttons - The Template Dialog that appeared in Version 3.108 is now on the new Import Hard Drive Files screen. Clicking these set their string of fields and separators into the Define Field Order string, which is persistent.
  5. Fixed Bug With Track Numbers 1-9 and 01-09 - There was a bug that sometimes used track numbers with leading zeros and sometimes without. It is fixed.
  6. Allow Importing ZIP files with Commas and Periods - Commas and Periods are now allowed to exist in ZIP files when importing in this screen. However, if a period is found within the last word before the filename extension, that word will be truncated at the first period.
  7. Open Folder button is now Persistent - Wherever you could open a folder or file, the Open dialog box's position was not persistent. It is now.
  8. Import Hard Drive Files Font - This is now controlled by the Set Font... command.
  9. Brand Defaulted to UNKNOWN BRAND - This was fixed from 3.108.
  10. Fixed Bug in Build Songs Database Command - Normal use of this command could create two near identical paths added in the Song Source List window, which caused duplicate records while rebuilding. This was fixed.
  11. Modified "Select All Tracks" Check Box - This no longer selects already imported tracks. This allows Batch mode to import around pre-imported files. You can manually click any track's Sel check box when you do want to re-import.
  12. Remove Reset Unprinted Track Count Button - This button now only appears in the Create Song Book dialog box.
  13. Fixed ZIP files with UPPER/lower case letters in Inside Filenames - When the case of letters in the .mp3 or .cdg filenames were not the same, the ZIP files was reported as a bad file. This is fixed and ignores case of all letters.
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Upgrades to V3.108 from V3.006

Release 04/25/2005
  1. Convert CDG Button - You can now convert .CDG files on the hard drive imported using Microstudio. They convert to KMA files using WMA compression, store in the Songs Database and print in the Song Book. Clicking it shows the Template Dialog to identify known fields in the filename to speed up importing. NOTE: These .cdg files are NOT what is created with the MP3+G format that contain no audio.
  2. Convert BIN Button - You can now convert .BIN files on the hard drive created by other programs. They convert to KMA files using WMA compression, store in the Songs Database and print in the Song Book. Clicking it shows the Template Dialog to identify known fields in the filename to speed up importing.
  3. Convert MP3G Button - You can now convert .MP3G files on the hard drive created by other programs. They convert very quickly to new KMA format files retaining the MP3 compression, store in the Songs Database and print in the Song Book. Clicking it shows the Template Dialog to identify known fields in the filename to speed up importing.
  4. Convert ZIP Button - This works identically to the Convert MP3G button above. Error checking insures the ZIP file contains .mp3 and .cdg files.
  5. Template Dialog - To convert hard drive files to KMA format requires the DiscID, Track#, Brand, Song and Artist names be identified. This Template dialog appears when you click any of the four Convert TYPE buttons to identify any fields in the filenames, including the required DiscID and Track#.

    PLEASE NOTE: We are working on a new Screen that will allow rapid conversion of MP3G and ZIP files to KMA files when the Brand, DiscID and Track# are known or not. This will be done as a 3.1xx version, and will be a free upgrade for all who have any 3.0 or 3.1 version. Since we use the MP3 files for these, our conversion time per file is between 0.5 to 2 seconds, depending on your computer and hard drive speeds.
  6. Speed Up All CDG Import Operations - Importing a CDG disc into the Playlist, or in the Import screen is faster.
  7. Import CDG Button - This selects to import tracks from CDG discs in the selected CD Drive as KMA files. In version 3.000 and prior, the Brand defaulted to the first list entry. Now you must select the correct Brand and DiscID before seeing the Table of Contents.
  8. Import VCD Tracks - This will be available in Version 3.200 to import VCD tracks as KMA files.
  9. Playlist DISC Button - This will be available in Version 3.200 to play VCD, DVD or CDG discs in the DVDROM/CDR/DVDR drive as if it were a player. You won't need a DVD player any more.
  10. Save to Folder - If you change this Import screen field location for storing KMA files, it now automatically appends to the Build Songs Database dialog Song source folders list window, ready if you ever need to rebuild this Database.
  11. Import Screen Now Re-Sizeable - You can click and drag the edges or corners to resize it. The location and size are persistent.
  12. New Karaoke Player - Our Player code that shows and sweeps the lyric screens was rewritten to run faster. It now runs on inferior graphics display cards and cheaper Laptops with the graphics built on the computer motherboard.
  13. Songs Database - Now contains a new Type field to hold CDCDG, CDVCD, HDCDG, HDBIN, HDMP3G and HDZIP that identify the KMA file type. The "old KMA" file has significantly expanded to meet your requests. HDMP3G and HDZIP use the MP3 file that already exists.
  14. Build Songs Database - When Hoster 3.1 first runs, if your Songs Database is not the newest version, it automatically rebuilds so all existing KMA files, and Playlists are compatible with the new Type format. This is actually done by expanding the existing Songs Database versus rebuilding it from scratch.
  15. Playlist Screen - The new Type field determines the player for the new CDCDG, HDCDG, HDBIN, HDMP3G, HDZIP formats.
  16. Edit Songs Dialog - The Select Single Tab displays the new Type field.
  17. Overwrite Existing KMA Files - When importing songs that already are imported, the new file replaces the prior one to prevent duplicate songs.
  18. Select All Tracks check box - When the track Status showed IMPORTED, clicking this check box did not properly display READY. Un-clicking it also did not restore the IMPORTED status. It now works correctly.
  19. New Need Help? command - This links to the Hoster Help Forum to post questions and view answers.
  20. Prevent Duplicate Files - When building the Songs Database, if a KMA BookID already exists and another is found, it's path, filename and BookID are written to a new BuildSongDBLog.txt file that opens with Notepad. This helps to keep your KMA files unique and your Songs Database perfect.
  21. Upgraded Security - Version 3.100 and higher correctly identify the same computer while installing and registering Hoster. This will make it easier to reinstall Hoster when you have done some upgrading to your computer.
  22. Many Upgrades and Bug Repairs - There are a total of 126 items in our "changes list", only a few are mentioned here.

Upgrades to V3.006 from V3.005

Released 01/28/2005
  1. Support Plextor 708 and 716 drives - This is the main reason for releasing 3.006 so soon after 3.005.
  2. Fixed ZIP Problems - ZIP files can come from various sources. Hoster will play ZIP files compressed using WinZip 9.0 and less than Maximum compression, or MP3G Toolz 3.0 with any compression. Other compression files would lock up Hoster. We added checking to insure the compression is in a range we can unzip, displaying a message box when they do not. You can then unzip and zip them (WinRaR can convert multiple at a time) with a compression Hoster supports.
  3. Added Song Book Instructions - In the Song Book dialog box, if you already are viewing the created SongBook.rtf file in Word, Excel or WordPad (least desirable), Hoster cannot update the file you are viewing. We added an instruction above the Create button to help you remember what to do before you click the Create button. If your selected viewer is open, it is showing a PRIOR Song Book, not the latest SongBook.rtf file. Always close the viewer, and click the View Song Book button again to see the most recent Song Book.
  4. Fixed Bug in Build Songs Database command - There was a bug from the beginning of Hoster that prevented adding more than 2 Song Source Folders in the Source list box. Now 128 folders from multiple drives can be added.
  5. Fixed crash when deleting a Playlist track while adding a CDG track - The manual is very clear to not do this. However, from version 3.006 on, while importing a CDG track into the Playlist, we now prevent moving or deleting tracks in the Playlist until the import is finished.

Upgrades to V3.005 from V3.000

Released 01/24/2005
  1. Play ZIP Files - The new Add Track group MP3G button now allows adding MP3+G and ZIP karaoke songs to the Playlist. ZIP files must contain only 2 files, one with the extension .mp3 and the other .cdg. If not, an error message appears and the file cannot be used.
  2. Fixed problem with MP3G song names with periods - A period within the song name would truncate all of the name to the right of the period in the Playlist. This was fixed.
  3. Fixed lockup bug that corrupts Playlist - This bug has been lurking from the beginning of Hoster. It rarely appeared but when it did... it was a royal pain. We found several bugs in this. The problem is linked to data being corrupted in the Playlist when moving a track, and having the space bar held down. Our fixes consist of: 1) Saving the project now writes only the number of entries that were in the Playlist before the move, 2) A move track request where the From track slot is identical to the To track slot, which was the crux of the corruption problem, is now completely ignored, 3) The BookID Edit field now only accepts numeric characters 0-9, ignoring alphabetic, space and symbol characters.
  4. Fixed "unprinted tracks for next Song Book" field - We found and fixed a problem with this field so now you can easily prepare New Release Pages to add to your Song Book.
  5. Upgraded Song Book Dialog Box - We significantly redesigned the Song Book dialog box to make it easier to use. We also reworded the text in two message boxes that appear to instruct you what to do after preparing and printing New Release Pages.
  6. Fixed memory leaks - In any software development, from time to time some subroutines don't get properly released, consuming small amounts of memory each time the subroutine runs. We found and fixed several that existed, but would not cause problems running a show.
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Upgrades to V3.000 from V2.219

Released 12/08/2004
  1. Elegance Polish - MTU is constantly upgrading Hoster to be as easy and intuitive as... well, eating. Over 30 polishing changes added to version 3.000 are not listed here.
  2. Import Database - This Database fills in the Song and Artist names for you when importing new songs. It has been updated to be current through November 1, 2004.
  3. Play MP3 Tracks - You can now add either .wma or .mp3 compressed audio files to play between Karaoke songs.
  4. Play MP3G Tracks - You can now add karaoke MP3+G compressed songs to the Playlist. Playing ZIP files will release in January.
  5. One Screen - The Playlist is now Hoster's single screen that you always see. The Import Tab and all other functions display dialog boxes or automatically change the Playlist controls to allow what you want to do.
  6. Language, Genre, Duet, Multiplex - You can now add these parameters to each song while importing.
  7. Updated Playlist File Format - Because Hoster 3.0 has new features that were not supported in version 2.219 and prior, we needed a new format. Opening an old Playlist creates a new file, so the original can still open in 2.219 and prior versions.
  8. Change Prepare Song Book Command - This is totally redesigned with many new features, including preparing "New Releases" pages. Hoster now prepares the premier Song Books available, with more to come.
  9. Hot Keys - The buttons you need to run a show now have hot keys in addition to mouse clicking.
  10. Progress Meters - Because some seldom used operations can take tens of minutes to run (rebuilding the Songs Database for example), we added progress dialog boxes so you can know it is still working.
  11. Search Dialog Box - When you enter a single character in the Search for: field, it now searches only the first character of the selected BookID, Song, or Artist for matches. Also, when you click the BookID, Song or Artist buttons, the found songs sort by that button. You can also click any column heading to sort by its parameter.
  12. Auto Select Next Song - When the playing song finishes, the next song automatically selects. This allows pressing the Skip button instantly if the Singer doesn't appear.
  13. Delete Tracks - The Shift+Delete keys remove the selected track from the Playlist. Ctrl+X keys are too close to the Ctrl+Spacebar keys that now Start and Stop play. The original files are not removed from the disc.
  14. Playback Offset - This command now allows forcing the music to play earlier or later than the graphics/lyrics to correct problems caused by out dated video card drivers.
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Registered marks of Micro Technology Unlimited: Hoster®, Microstudio®, Vogone®, Songverter®
Trademarks of Micro Technology Unlimited: MTU, Karaoke Pro, KPro, KProStudio, KHPro, Karaoke Home Producer, DNoise,
Keyrite, MicroCD, Microeditor, Microsound
Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
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